Monday 18 June 2007

Why this blog?

In May 2003, the, Argentina and Canada made a formal complaint to the WTO about the de-facto moratorium on GM crops and food in the European Union. This complaint became known as the WTO Biotech Dispute. It wasn't until September 2006 that the final ruling became known.

The final ruling can be viewed on the WTO website

A detailed timeline of events leading up to and during the dispute and its progress can be viewed on the GeneWatch website. Included are links to the main submission made by the parties and many news items and articles written during the dispute process.

During 2007 GeneWatch UK and Gene Campaign in India will run a project to raise awareness within civil society organisations in Asia and Europe of the implications of national and regional regulations and standards for genetically modified (GM) crops and foods for trade with developing countries. It will include consideration of the Biotech dispute and explore mechanisms for wider societal involvement in trade debates.

The main project consists of a series of discussion papers written to inform workshops in the UK and India. The following posts will give further details of the workshops.

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